The Most Sensitive Organs in Our Body: Cool body facts

Do you know what comes to my mind hearing the word sensitivity? “9 out of 10 doctors recommend Sensodyne“. But does that mean the tooth is the most sensitive human organ? No. it doesn’t. They want to sell you the toothpaste. Then what are the most sensitive organs in our body? Short answer. Skin. It’s everywhere on your body. But we are not about to end the article right here.

List of The Most Sensitive Organs in Our Body

We are here to catalogue the most sensitive organs in our bodies. So, let’s kick start (pun intended) today’s list with the most obvious pick.

  1. Genitals:

    Genital, the most sensitive organ of human body (Image From

What is the most sensitive organ in our body? Ask any dude who has at least once been kicked in their balls, and you will get a straight answer. As someone with previous experience, the author can vouch for the statement.

“What is more painful? Giving birth or being kicked on the balls?”

The most stupid question ever asked by a man in the history of planet earth. The kick on the balls.

“Eventually women decide to have another baby, but a dude never say he want to be kicked on the balls again.”

Stupid argument. Anyone would if the continuation of our species depended on it.

But is it the same if you are kicked on the vagina? Probably is. After all, I’ve heard, it’s really sensitive. But I can’t be found paraphrasing here. But I would imagine it would be a hell of a lot of pain when one is kicked on their genitals. But if you still don’t believe that the genitals are indeed the most sensitive organs in our human body, you can always find a bat and beat the ever-loving shit out of your genitals. You’ll be surprised!

  1. Lips:

Ever been kissed on the lips? Sorry if I offended somebody, but at least some of you would have. But most of us would have had a cut on our lips at one point. Do you remember that time when you tried to eat that spicy veg Manchurian with a cut on your lips? How can you forget? No one could. It was painful. Lips are one of the most sensitive organs in our body.

Lips: Most Sensitive Organs in Our Body
Lips, beautiful and the most sensitive organ of human body.
  1. Tongue:

There would be a really few people who haven’t at least once accidentally bit your tongue. If you have not, how do you wake up in the morning? Do the birds sing for you? Do all the mice in your house stitch you a dress out of waste clothes? Are you a Disney Princess? You must be.

Tongue covered with thousands of taste buds (Image From

You can’t eat that spicy veg Manchurian now. You have a cut tongue. It’s painful. It is one of the most sensitive organs in our body.

More scientific takes on the most sensitive organs in our body with less banter

  1. The funny bone.

    Funny Bone
    Everything you should know about your funny bone (Image From

It’s not funny. But you can feel a shiver when someone flicks a certain thing on your elbows. I know you know. I have been to middle school too. This piece of muscle is commonly known as a funny bone which is, in fact, not a bone. It is a muscle located on your elbow with nerve endings connecting it with your arms and one of the most sensitive organs in your body. This long nerve can be found along with your upper arm bones and is called humerus (Do you get it now? humerus=humorous=funny).

  1. Every one of your internal organs:

    Internal Organs
    Internal Organs of The Human Body.

You know how squishy they seem if you have ever seen an intestine or a heart with your own eyes. Even if you are looking at a picture, a passing glimpse on a movie, or are too disgusted by it to watch, all of our internal mechanisms are squishy and soft and would crumble at your fist. That is why we have double-layer protection to ensure their safety. A cage of bones and muscles to protect them.

We, as human beings, are a complex system of cells with a control system on your head. The brain is one of the squishiest organs of our body and has the thickest of armours, making it one of the most sensitive organs. The skull acts as its armour.

  1. The eyes:

The eyes
Eyes, the most sensitive organ of human body.

Tried to touch your eye? You can feel your brain trying to stop you from touching it. The eyelids go shut, the hands start shivering, and you find yourself asking yourselves, should I? That’s your brain, trying to protect you from harming yourself.


Because your eyes are sensitive, it is among the most sensitive organs in our body. You can go blind by simply poking your eyes.


But thankfully, your eyes are protected by skin that we like to call eyelids so that you don’t go blind.

Because they are one of the most sensitive organs of our body.

“One only recognizes the value of sight once he(or she) has lost them.”

  1. Foot arch:

Have you ever noticed the strange shape of your feet? It’s harder and harsher at the edges and bulges out. But the inside arching of your feet is softer and usually doesn’t touch the ground. Your foot arch is among the most sensitive organs in our body. This could’ve been possibly a residual of an adaptation that helped our ancestral apes stand on tree branches without falling that haven’t yet been weeded out by evolution.

foot arch
foot arch

Whatever it is, if you step on a stone with that part of your feet, trust me, it’s going to hurt.

  1. Your Pinky toes:

    Pinky Toes
    You have to care about your pinky toes.

I don’t think I have to explain this one. We all know that pinky toes are the most sensitive organs in our body, and we all know the pain when you hit your pinky on a bench leg. Like birth and death, hitting your pinky on a bench leg is also an inevitability of life.

  1. Nipples:

    Nipples, the most sensitive organs of our body (Image From

This is a non-famous one. But your nipples are among the most sensitive organs of your body. It can cause feelings from arousal to cold to sheer pain in mere seconds. In your body, the nipple area has thinner sensitive skin to make it porous for breast milk to flow through.

But what about boys?

We all start as a female fetus until we develop a genital in the 12th or 13th week of pregnancy.

  1. The skin under your fingernails:

    Fingernails, a sensitive skin.

The nails on your fingers and toes hide a terrible secret. A sensitive skin. If you have ever lost a nail completely exposing the skin beneath, you would know.

There is often a little bit of skin poking out, and once you pull it, your whole fingers come apart. It is painful.

  1. The skin on top of your Teeth:

    Free adult teeth closeup image, public domain CC0 photo.
    Teeth skin, softer and sensitive organ of our body.

I have irregular teeth. I often lose food in between them and must use a toothpick to find it. Once I strike the skin on top of the teeth, it is painful. That is because, like most of the internal skin, only food is supposed to touch this skin. Therefore, they are softer than the outside skin, making it one of the most sensitive organs in our body.

  1. Kneecaps:

    Knee Caps
    Kneecap Injuries Illustration (Image From

I have always been plagued by injuries to the area. I can vouch for it. It is really painful to have your kneecaps tilted or scratched.

  1. Neck and the sides of your belly:

    Belly, the most softer and sensitive organ of your body.

It’s the tickle place! Because it is sensitive.


The human body is a work of art. Some people say that there had to be a creator to mould this complex of an organism. Some people say it’s millions of years of accumulated traits. I don’t care if it’s either. I want to know which are the most sensitive body parts in our body so that I can protect it with all my efforts.

Knowing about yourselves and your body can only do you good.

Your body is the armour and the sustenance of yourself.

Treat it good, and it will treat you better.


  1. My genitals are darker than my skin. But I have seen most porn actors having fair complexion down there. Do I have a condition?

An: It is extremely common in people to have darker skin in their genitals than the rest of their body. Porn is just like a movie anyway. Even the orgasms are fake. Have a good day.

  1. I have a sensitive belly button. Are belly buttons among the most sensitive organs in our body or is there something wrong with my body?

An: Nothing is wrong with your body. Some people just have really sensitive belly buttons. It is indeed one of the most sensitive organs in our body.

  1. I feel dead inside. Nothing excites me anymore. Even the supposed most sensitive organs in my body are not sensitive anymore. Believe me I’ve tried.

An: This is not how you are supposed to feel. Please get a therapist. Or reach out to us in the comments. We will try and help you in any way possible.

  1. My toes hurt like hell now. I hit a table with my pinkies while walking. Is there any way to make the pain go away?

An: The pain will pass after a couple of minutes. If you can’t handle a couple of minutes of pain, there is nothing else to do.

  1. I am really ticklish under my armpits. I always laugh and make a ruckus whenever I am tickled there. But I want to change it. What can I do?

An: You might have to learn yoga and control yourself from reacting for a while. Your armpits brush against your arms and so have softer more sensitive skin, making it one of the most sensitive organs in our body. All you can do now is practice self-control and control yourself. With enough practice, you should be able to not feel tickling again. Try Meditation.

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