The battery Ignition system is the ignition system in which we use the battery for the generation of electricity and further that electricity is used in cars and commercial vehicles.
A battery ignition system has a 6- or 12-volt battery charged by an engine-driven generator to supply electricity, an ignition coil to increase the voltage, a device to interrupt current from the coil, a distributor to direct current to the correct cylinder, and a spark plug projecting into each cylinder.
Current goes from the battery through the primary winding of the coil, through the interrupting device, and back to the battery.
Ignition System:

Before starting to know about the Battery Ignition system, you also have to know and study about the basic types and components of the Ignition system.
The Ignition system in an internal-combustion engine that produces the spark to ignite the mixture of fuel and air: includes the battery, ignition coil, distributor, spark plugs, and associated switches and wiring.
The purpose of the ignition system is to create an electric spark in the engine combustion chamber, at exactly the right time, which will ignite the mixture of petrol and air.
It also functions as to generate a very high voltage from the car’s 12-volt battery, and to send this to each sparkplug in turn, igniting the fuel-air mixture in the engine’s combustion chambers.
Ignition system, in a gasoline engine, means employed for producing an electric spark to ignite the fuel-air mixture; the burning of this mixture in the cylinders produces the motive force.
The early Ignition systems used fully mechanical distributors to deliver the spark at the right time. There are three basic types of Ignition systems. They are:
- Distributor-Based
- Distributor-less
- Coil-on-Plug
These are the three basuc types of Ignition systems that are used in the Battery Ignition system and also the components of the Ignition system are:
- Storage Battery
- An Induction Coil
- High voltage discharges
- A Distributor cap and rotor
- A set of spark plugs
- Ignition Module
- Power Control Module (PCM)
- Crankshaft and Camshaft sensor
- Knock Sensor
These are the components of the Ignition system.
Battery Ignition System:
The parts of Battery Ignition system are:
- Ignition switch
- Battery
- Ignition coil
- Ballast resistor
- Contact breaker
- Distributor
- Capacitor
- Spark Plug
Ignition Switch:
The Ignition Switch is also known as starter switch or start switch that the control the system of a motor vehicle that activates the main electrical systems for the vehicle, including “accessories”.
This switch is used to turn on or off the Ignition System. The Battery is connected to the primary winding of the Ignition Coil by the Ignition Switch and Ballast resistor.
The battery is a device that provides electrical energy for the Ignition. A battery is charged by the dynamo driven by the engine.
There are two types of battery used. They are:
- Lead-acid battery
- Alkaline battery.
Ignition Coil:
The Ignition Coil is the main body of the Battery Ignition System. The purpose of the ignition coil to step up the battery voltage (6 or 12V) to a high voltage, which is sufficient to produce a spark at the spark plug.
Ballast Resistor:
This is connected in series with primary winding to regulate the current in the primary winding. The Ballast Resistor is made of iron.
Contact Breaker:
The contact breaker is regulated by the cam and when the breaker is open, current flows through the condenser and charges it.
Used in a multi-cylinder engine to regulate spark in each spark plug at the correct sequence.
There are two types of distributors.
- Carbon brush type
- Gap type
This is a simple electrical capacitor in which two metal plates are separated by an insulating material with a distance.
Spark Plug:
It generates sparks to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. Each spark plug is connected to the distributor of the ignition system.
Advantages of Battery Ignition System:
The advantages of the Battery Ignition System are mentioned and explained here. They are:
- The maintenance of the Battery Ignition System is less because the moving of the parts is absent.
- Contact Breakers points are absent in the Battery Ignition system so there is no-arching.
- Spark-plug life in the Battery Ignition system increases by 50% and they can also be used for 6000km without any problem.
- The Battery Ignition System has more output and also more fuel efficiency which lasts for longer.
Disadvantages of Battery Ignition system:
The disadvantages of the Battery Ignition system are mentioned and explained here. They are:
- The arching in the Battery Ignition system, the pitting of the contact breaker point will lead to many problems in the working of the system.
- After a few starting in the system and also running a few thousand Kilometers the timing becomes inaccurate which results in the poor starting.
- After the starting of the very high engine speed, performance is poor because of the inertia effects of the moving parts in the Battery Ignition system.
Working application of Battery Ignition system:
The working application of the Battery Ignition System and how it works is mentioned here:
- First, the ignition switch is turned on and the current flows from the battery through primary wending, ballast register and also contact breaker.
- The flowing current induces a magnetic field directly proportional to it.
- As the contact breaker opens, the current collapses resulting in high voltage induction in the secondary winding.
- The high voltage current generated in the secondary winding is transferred to the distributor via a cable with high tension.
- The distributor consists of a rotor that rotates inside the distributor cap, and opens the contact breaker point. This causes the high tension current to flow to the spark plug.
- A spark is generated in the engine cylinder by the current upon reaching the spark plug which facilitates the combustion of fuel and air.
This is how the Battery Ignition system works. The Battey Ignition system is a very important part and the component of the vechicle.
It harness the energy of the collapsing magnetic field. Condenser is used to create voltage much higher tan the battery voltage.
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