Ways to download Minecraft for free!
The evolution of technology over the years has led to a significant development in the world of video games. Many games can be downloaded for free while some games can cost a lot. People aspire to become professional players or aspire to become wealthy You-tuber by recording their matches and uploading the same video on their respective channels.
This golden era of gaming has witnessed several noteworthy and path-breaking games like PUB-G, Mini-Militia, Subway surfers, and much more. One video game that people have enjoyed playing over the years is ‘Minecraft’. Minecraft has a rich history and has been updated several times to enrapture the imagination of video game players. The most common question people ask is how to download Minecraft for free. Before discussing the ways on how to download Minecraft for free, it is very important to discuss the history of the game.
Minecraft was developed by a Swedish company called Mojang. It was developed by Markus Persson and was launched in the year 2009. This game has been ported to several platforms since its inception. This game has broken several noteworthy records. According to reports published in 2020, this game has 120 million active users and has sold over 200 million copies.
This game is filled with full of twists and turns. Players in this game are exposed to a 3-dimensional terrain and are required to collect tools, bricks, and much more to build structures. Structures have to be built either with the cooperation of other players or against them. Several computer-generated mobs are also provided to spice the game up. Minecraft has won several awards and is touted to be the greatest video game of all time.
Ways To Download Minecraft For Free

There are some easy ways to download Minecraft for free on computers or laptops.
Download Minecraft On Computer Or Laptop
Way 1
The first way is pretty straightforward and it includes the following steps:
- Go to the official website of Minecraft, using either a computer or laptop. This game is supported by all the operating systems and is therefore loved by millions.
- Once you visit the site, click on the ‘Menu’ option.
- After clicking on the ‘Menu’ option, click on ‘Trial and Download’.
- This will take you one step closer to download Minecraft for free on your computer.
- Download the game on your computer or your laptop.
- Once you have downloaded the game enter the credentials of your Minecraft account.
- If a person does not have a Minecraft account, then he/she can easily create one online.
Way 2
The second way to download Minecraft for free on your computers is to use another version of this esteemed game. This version is called the ‘Bedrock’ version. Given below are the steps to download the game for free:
- To use the Bedrock version of the game, the person has to own a copy of this classic and enjoyable game.
- Go to the official website of Mojang, the creator company of this game.
- Log into your account. The credentials of your Mojang account should be used while logging into the game too.
- Once you have logged into your Mojang account, start searching for Minecraft for Windows/ Mac.
- After clicking on it, you will clearly be able to see the option ‘Claim your free copy.
- Click on the above-mentioned option.
- This will redirect you to one of the most exciting sites called the Microsoft Store, where the person can easily redeem the code.
- To redeem the code, he/she should also give their Microsoft account credentials. This is necessary for authentication.
- Once authorized the download will commence. After the download is completed, you can start playing the game.
Edit Game Rules

It is only logical to know the rules of this amazing game after downloading Minecraft for free. There are several communities on Reddit where a Minecraft enthusiast can pick the brains of other players and also learn how to abide or bend the rules of this lovely game if necessary. A list of game rules is already present on the official site of Minecraft. One interesting feature of this game is that the rules of the game can be changed. According to several articles the rules can be changed by clicking on the “Edit Game Rules” menu, that is present on the “Create World” screen. Note that, this process is only valid for the Java Edition of the game.
The menu that has been mentioned in the paragraph above lists all the access rules of the game along with the buttons that will help a player or an enthusiast toggle through the game. These buttons will also help the player to disable, enable or set his/her own rules. One noteworthy fact is that the options and tools will change based on the category the player has chosen. The various categories that are present in Minecraft were initially designed to enrapture the imagination of the people. These esteemed categories include player, mobs, spawning, drops, world updates, chat, and miscellaneous. Miscellaneous is mostly to change the look of the character that represents you in the game.
People usually download Minecraft for free and wonder whether they will be provided with all features that are available in the paid version of the game. The price of the Minecraft game in India is Rupees 2999. Most of the features are the same and hence recommended to download Minecraft for free. The most exciting feature of the game is that when a player is playing the game, he/she can change the rules using a very simple command.
The command is the /game rule command. The syntax, an enthusiast or player should be familiar with, is /game rule <rule> [<value>]. The syntax can be broken down into two parts. The first part describes what does <rule> do. It is nothing but the name of the game rule. The second part describes what does <value> does. It is nothing but a value that is allowed in the game and it also depends on the type of game rule used.
The types can be either Boolean or they can be integer. Boolean usually means true or false and an integer usually allows people to enter a whole number. To know the list of the game rules that are provided by the developers of Minecraft click here.
Golden rules one should follow after a person can download Minecraft for free are as follows:
- You do not dig straight down.
- Your best, fastest and nearly infinite source of food is mushrooms.
- You don’t need a house to have shelter.
- Carry a bucket of water always.
- A pickax can be just as effective as a sword.
- Learn to strafe.
- If you cannot find your home base, build another one.
Some Noteworthy Rules
- Announced Advancements: It asks whether advancements should be announced in chat or not. The default value of this particular rule is always true. This indicates that this game rule is Boolean in nature.
- Command Blocks Enabled: It asks whether command blocks should be enabled or disabled in between a game. The nature of this rule is also Boolean and the default value of this rule is also true.
- Disable Raids: It asks whether a raid is to be canceled or not. It is also Boolean in nature but its default value is false, unlike the first two rules that are mentioned in this list.
- maxCommandChainLength: It determines the total number at which the chain command block will act as a chain. It is an integer value unlike the three rules mentioned above this rule. The default value of this command is 65536.
For other noteworthy commands check the site that has been mentioned above. People download Minecraft for free without thinking about its implications on the young and impressionable minds of children. With the advent of technology, video streaming platforms like YouTube have become a source for kids to come in contact with games and other videos that are deemed to be unhealthy for the minds of kids.
Concern Of Parents On Violent Acts Of The Game

Minecraft understands the concern of the parents and has developed communities where such issues are widely discussed. Before a parent allows their child to download Minecraft for free, some ground rules have to be agreed upon. Parents have to understand that Minecraft can be violent at times. There are several modes in Minecraft. The creative mode in Minecraft will simulate an experience in which the kids will encounter hostile mobs. The hostile mobs are harmless as they do not attack. This situation will change as the difficulty will increase. In the difficult levels, kids might have to resort to killing.
Minecraft is full of scary creatures like Ender Dragon. It is always recommended for parents to discuss such issues with their kids and also to set a time limit for their kids to play. Parent’s discretion is the best in such cases.
Several YouTubers use their videos to elaborate on techniques and tricks to win in Minecraft. They also show how to download Minecraft for free. Several of them use harsh language and therefore parental guidance is absolutely necessary. Some of the channels and sites that might keep your kid entertained and will also not corrupt their impressionable minds are as follows:
- PopularMMOs: It is a kid-friendly show based on Minecraft. It is hosted by a formerly married couple Pat and Jen. Check out their video here.
- DanTDM: This show is hosted by a British game enthusiast named Dan Middleton. This show is primarily known for the content showing kids some good moves and tricks. Check out the video here.
- Aphmau: This is hosted by a mother named Jessica Bravura. She is a fan of Minecraft and makes kid-friendly videos. She also shares snippets of her family and her kids playing video games. Check out the video here.
- CaptainSparklez: This show is hosted by one of the most loved YouTuber named Jordan Maron. He is a very popular gaming celebrity and has millions of subscribers. He is known for his take on several video games. Most of his videos are extremely hilarious. Check out the video here.
- GamingWithJen: Another channel that is popular with kids and adults alike. It is hosted by Jen and she is very passionate about the game. Her insights are very helpful and the language used by her is very easy to comprehend and thus grasp. Check out the video here.
This list of YouTubers also explains various ways in which people can download Minecraft for free on their personal computers or their laptops. The link that might help you to download Minecraft for free on your laptops: here.
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