Global Warming Essay For Students

For a very long time, humankind has been exploiting the resources quickly, and the results have been very significantly out there. Earth has warmed and cooled several times, leading to climate change and frequent floods and droughts in different parts of the world.

In this global warming essay, the main points are going to be the meaning of the term global warming, how it is happening, the causes and the effects, the preventive measures that are required to be followed as soon as possible.

What is global warming?

Global warming is an unusual phenomenon of rapid increase in earth’s temperature primarily due to the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and many more gasses; these gasses trap the excessive sunlight and released by different activities that human beings perform such as industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, use of petroleum products.

Causes of global warming

Global warming takes place when greenhouse gases and other air polluting gases are present in the environment. There are several human activities that cause global warming. These activities are day-to-day activities that people generally ignore, such as generating electricity through the burning of fossil fuels, the fuelling of vehicles, and industrialization.

The most common gas released during this phenomenon is CO2; the industrial waste and the gases released by the chimneys are some other causes of global warming, as stated In the global warming essay.

Global Warming Essay

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming has affected the atmosphere adversely. It has led to many natural calamities such as droughts, floods, melting of glaciers and ice caps, and rise in sea level leading to tsunamis, which could be extremely destructive for people all around the world. Some other adverse effects of global warming are allergies, asthma, and infectious disease outbreak; such life-threatening diseases can led to high vulnerability of sensitive people.

Global warming also disrupts the habitats of many species, be it species which are dwelling in forests or marine life, as global warming also affects the coral reefs, which could easily drive so many animals on the verge of being termed as extinct or endangered.

The impacts of global warming are being felt across the globe. Governments of different countries have taken necessary steps for such disasters and to manage the situations after the disasters as well.

Also Read: Positive and negative impact of globalization in India

Effects of Greenhouse Gases

There are two types of greenhouse effects one is natural, and the other one is excessive or artificial. The natural one is a necessity to take place as heat is required by the living organisms that are present on the earth, but when this natural global warming exceeds a certain level, it is known as artificial, which is harmful and actually leads to an unhealthy and unwanted rise in temperature.  The only factor of this artificial greenhouse effect is the activities carried by human beings.

One of the most dangerous global warming gases is chlorofluorocarbons, which are usually released from air conditioners and refrigerators; such gases have a high capacity to absorb a large amount of heat.

Global Warming Essay For Students

Prevention of Global Warming

As the heat-trapping greenhouse gases are increasing day by day, deteriorating the atmosphere. It is the duty of different governments and appointed ministries to keep a check on the emissions of such harmful gases. Not only the government but also people on their personal level should adopt some routine measures such as:

  1. Recycling

It is the most common, easy, and helpful way to reduce the global warming effect. Recycling the waste products could lead to a great amount reduction in the release of CO2.

  1. Drive less

People opt for ways that are convenient and less time consuming for them. But keeping in mind the situations and disasters that the world is witnessing, it Is very important to introspect and start thinking about the future generation also. There are multiple means to travel instead of using one’s personal vehicle. Using public transport and doing carpooling are the most common ways.

  1. Plant trees

Nothing could be better than planting more and more trees. Planting trees fix the air, but it also preserves the habitat of many animals and reduces the excessive amount of CO2 from the atmosphere. A single tree can absorb one ton of CO2 in its lifetime; this fact makes it very clear that how much it is important to plant trees and avoid deforestation as much as possible.

  1. Spread awareness

All the measures that are stated above would only be fruitful if the masses are aware about the seriousness of the topic and have knowledge about the dos and the don’ts because it is the people who could bring the change, government alone couldn’t be successful in achieving the aim of reducing the amount of greenhouse gases without the presence of educated citizens.


The alarming rate of change in climate that the world is witnessing is very clearly visible. Every day one can easily come across certain news about the extinction of species, melting of glaciers, the discovery of ozone holes, rise in temperature, and many natural calamities like forest fires, droughts, floods, etc., around the globe.

Each country on this planet earth needs to understand that it is not an issue that concerns a particular country, but it is a global issue that can only be coped up if all the countries take adequate measures to prevent the rise of temperature.

In this global warming essay, the highlight was to educate people about the basic features of global warming and what the common masses can contribute to this worsening situation to uplift it a little.

Many world-famous conventions and treaties have come into the light, such as Paris agreement on climate change, COP, etc., which have helped countries to team up and work for a particular cause. It’s high time to work and take necessary steps rather than just talking about the issues at national and international levels, or else it would be too late to even take any actions.

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