Natural weight reduction tips are the need of the hour for many people around the globe.
Although I completely agree with the fact that one must accept his or her physique, there is no harm in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reduce weight as much is necessary and also avoid eating disorders by keeping one’s mind healthy and calm through exercises.
Also, read How to fight Depression Naturally?
If we talk about in context with medicine, Weight loss is the physical act of losing weight either unintentionally, due to malnourishment or intentionally through maintaining a good diet and exercise routine.
“Unexplained” weight loss that is not caused by a reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called cachexia and may be a symptom of a serious medical condition.
Now without wasting much time, I present to you the top 20 tips for weight loss, which can be naturally brought into practice.
Please note that the tips presented here are not ranked from 1 to 20 but written in random order.
Natural Weight Reduction Tips
Now I don’t think anybody needs a mathematician to understand that Weight lose/gain is directly proportional to your eating habits
Employ a high protein diet

Eating a high protein helps in boosting the rate of metabolism, which can be very beneficial in weight loss. The rate of metabolism increases up to 80-100 calories per day.
You can incorporate the following food items in your diet-
- Fish
- White poultry
- Eggs
- Lentils, peas, and beans
- Tofu
Avoid intake of Sugar as much as you can

Sugar sometimes is a necessary carb that can provide you with an instant burst of energy which is necessary, especially when you are working late.
But you may be familiar with the fact that most of the sugar that we consume comes from fructose which is broken down by the liver and turns into fat, which is later sent to the cells of the body resulting in weight gain.
So avoid sugar as much as you can!
Promote the intake of spiced up food
Most of the chili peppers consist of a chemical named Capsaicin which helps in cutting down fat thus resulting in loss of weight.
But more intake of chili can pose a risk of stomach ulcers and acidity which can be extremely uncomfortable. And it would be funny that on one side you are reducing fat naturally, while on the other hand, popping in pills to avoid acidity and stuff!
Avoid Junk, because, it’s JUNK!

Now, I don’t think that you need me to tell you how junk food can make you unfit! It would be better that you avoid all kinds of junk food so that your liver may not add up the fat in your body and store it as if you are hibernating and need some fat to keep warm!
Our favorite junkies include-
- Noodles
- Pizza
- Burger
- And all maida products…
Avoid refined carbohydrates
It has been clinically proven that the refined carbohydrates can cause more damage to the metabolism of our body than sugar would ever will.
In response to the influx of sugar from refined carbohydrates, the liver will create and release fat into the bloodstream.
You can include whole grain in your diet.
Some of these products include White rice, white flour, white bread, candies, added sugar, most of the cereals, and pasta.
Fasting with gaps in between
It has been clinically proven that intermittent fasting can help you reduce your weight and also keep it in check. You can fast once or twice a week or alternate days or maybe can choose weekends.
But fasting is not always suitable. It is for sure that fasting should not be practiced by children, growing teenagers, older people, pregnant women, older people, and people with underlying health conditions.
Stock up on Water

Water is a drink with no calories and a huge collection of health benefits. Drinking water not only improves your metabolism but also cleans your body internally.
Drinking water before meals reduces the amount of food intake, which can help in less consumption of calories.
Moreover, if you replace water with sugary drinks, it naturally reduces calorie intake.
Brushing teeth in between meals or in the evening
I know it may sound absurd but if you brush your teeth later in the evening you will reduce the intake of snacks during night time.
Moreover, brushing also helps in maintaining good dental hygiene.
Stocking up on fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide you with a plethora of health benefits. They are also full of fibers and vitamins. The fibers present in them give a feeling of fullness which in turn reduces our calorie intake.
And also, having a bowl of fresh fruits while talking and gossiping with your family makes a great evening!
And I hope you will agree with the fact that they do taste good!
Get up and exercise!

Regular Cardiovascular and resistance exercises can help you get control over your weight and full body for that matter.
Cardio helps the body burn calories quickly while resistance training builds lean muscle mass. Muscle mass can help people burn more calories at rest.
Make sure it is only muscle mass and no unnecessary fat mass!
Slow down your eating
Eating slowly can help a person reduce the total number of calories that they consume in one sitting. The reason for this is that it can take the brain some time to realize that the stomach is full.
So chew food properly and eat at a table with your family, have a little chat, and liven up the situation a little. it helps a lot as your mood lightens up. So not only fat but even your brain is at ease.
Sleep tight!

Yes having a good quality sleep is very necessary if you are determined in reducing your weight.
Good quality sleep helps the body to detox and combat unnecessary fat present in your body. It also relaxes your body so that you are all set for another day of work.
Research has shown that those who do not get good quality sleep, usually end up in doing efforts for nothing. All the efforts for weight reduction go down the gutter.
Sleep like a baby!
Use a smaller plate for your servings
Yes! It is psychologically correct that if you take a small portion of food on a big plate, it will look less and you might end up thinking that you haven’t eaten anything. Instead, use a smaller plate for the same portion of food.
The size of the plate will cause the food to look all spread out so your plate will be full and you will be consuming fewer calories altogether.
It’s like one arrow, kills two sparrows!
Maintain your time
Most of you might underestimate this point, but time management is one of the most important factors in weight loss.
Set time according to your daily routine and include all the diet and exercises following your routine. Grocery shopping, diet, exercise, and your day to day daily tasks should be done ina particular order. Bring discipline in your life.
Don’t miss your breakfast
It’s a common mistake or rather blunders that are committed by almost everyone.
When you get up in the morning and you miss the breakfast you let the body go in a hibernate-like state, which leads to a minimum or no reduction in calories. That’s not good!
Each morning, your body needs to rev up its metabolic rate and breakfast does exactly that. It keeps your hormone levels stable and helps regulate your blood sugar level, burning more calories.
Reduce salt intake
Although sodium is good for us, consuming it in a lesser quantity helps a lot in reducing weight since sodium holds up to 50 times its weight in water. It retains your weight and reduces the weight loss rate.
So don’t consume more than the RDA i.e. 2500mg per day.
Go for a hobby

It’s not worth relying on a 30-60 minutes physical activity in a day. It would be great if you find a hobby and practice it daily. Not only it will give you a break from the daily routine of from chair to bed and vice versa, but it will also help you to divert your mind from eating unhealthy snacks.
Along with that it will give you a great break and relax your mind.
Fight stress!
Stress is always detrimental to healthy weight loss in the long run. Find ways to combat stress and you’ll soon realize that your diet and exercise aren’t sabotaged anymore and that you truly do see results.
Look at yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simple hobbies like reading to fight stress.
Do not eat straight from the food container
Yes. Do not do it.
Don’t eat straight from the container.
Take a bowl, pour in your portion, and know when to stop.
Limit your portion sizes.
Maintain a balance
When planning for weight loss, It pays to be patient. You are not going to lose weight overnight. So don’t be discouraged and don’t punish your body if you don’t see instant results.
Starving or spending overtime in the gym only leads to exhaustion, fatigue, and low immunity.
You will benefit a lot if you take breaks in between your routine workouts. And occasionally, treating yourself to a piece of chocolate or a slice of pizza will not do any harm to your weight loss plans.
That’s it, guys!
Go for it!!
Get that fit body!!
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