Explain How Socialist Society Was Established in Russia?


Russia observed an important political and social transition in the early twentieth century, leading to the foundation of a socialist society.

A variety of reasons and events can explain this shift, and while it may not be called inventive in terms of historical occurrence, the specific circumstances and effects in Russia were different in their own right.

Socialism’ evolved in Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century as a fundamental alternative to the Tsarist rule, with particular support among the peasantry. [1]In Russia, the socialist movement centered on revolution to depose the Tsar and establish a new society. Let us examine the philosophy and movement in Russia that led to the resignation of the “Tsar in 1917”.


It is a concept of a socialist system where the political and economic theories and the means of production and distribution of goods are held collectively by the whole community.

In Russia, socialists emphasized the peasantry as a method of revolution because they were the country’s biggest populous and already had developing socialist structures, such as agricultural communes.


Tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia as an authoritarian monarchy. However, the country faced difficulties, including relentless poverty, inequality, and widespread dissatisfaction among the working class.

These circumstances paved the way for creating socialist and revolutionary groups to address the masses’ complaints and promote a more equal society. Socialist societies were created to oppose the Tsar and call for a revolution to create a Russian socialist state.

The Narodnik Movement

The Narodnik Movement arose in the mid-nineteenth century as a socialist reaction to Tsar Alexander II’s 1861 Edict of Freedom. Although the new decree emancipated peasants from serfdom’s tyranny, Narodnik’s maintained that the peasantry was still oppressed by the new owners, the “bourgeoisie.”

The bourgeoisie is the middle class controlling most of a society’s means of production and wealth.

After the 1861 Edict of Independence, socialist ideals exploded in the 1800s with the Narodnik Movement. Despite this, socialism continued with the establishment of the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs).

The Right Socialist Revolutionaries (Right SRs) were regarded as the party’s primary body since they had the biggest membership. In response, the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) were created in 1902, resurrecting Narodnik’s ideology to foment a peasant revolution.

The SRs were a popular party because they did not employ complex Marxist political theory. Rather, they offered a basic type of socialism primarily concerned with Russia and its people, and they utilized the existing peasant commune structure as a model for their proposed new Russian state.

The Bolsheviks implemented programs to provide all citizens free education, healthcare, and social assistance. As vital foundations of a socialist society, they saw the significance of elevating the masses and safeguarding their well-being.

Furthermore, the Bolsheviks established new governance systems, such as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), which subsequently formed the nucleus of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Within the communist framework, the RSFSR and later USSR was formed as federal states with autonomous regions, supporting self-governance and cultural variety.

Rise Of Socialism in Russia

The Bolsheviks took over the government and brought new ideas to make everyone more equal and offer better lifestyles for all people, which resulted in the development of a socialist society in Russia. Therefore, the Bolsheviks established a Socialist society. To construct a socialist society in Russia, they pursued the following steps-

1. The Bolsheviks nationalized industries and banks

The process of nationalization began in November 1917, when the Bolshevik government presented the Decree on Land, which empowered the Bolshevik government to transfer land from the aristocracy, landlords, and major landowners to peasants.

This was the first step towards redistributing resources and replacing private and community ownership.

The nationalization of industries and banks took place in phases. Initially, the Bolsheviks concentrated their efforts on major economic areas, including “heavy industry, transportation, and natural resources.”

They saw these industries as critical to the development of a socialist economy and the formation of a planned economy in which resources are distributed based on societal needs rather than profit.

2. The lands have been designated as social property

One of the Bolsheviks’ main goals after taking power in Russia was to alter land ownership and establish it as communal property. They wanted to abolish private land ownership and share it among the people to benefit society as a whole.

The Bolsheviks used a variety of tactics to attain this aim. In November 1917, they published the Decree on Land, which announced that all land, woods, and waterways inside Russia would be transferred to the hands of the state and the people.

Large estates and landholdings belonging to the aristocracy, nobility, and church were taken without compensation under this order. The land was then transferred to peasants, who comprised most of the population, and agricultural communes.

3. The educational system has been improved-

The implementation of free and compulsory education was one of the fundamental measures accomplished by the Bolsheviks. They aspired to eliminate illiteracy and give everyone equal educational opportunities, regardless of social or economic background.

There was a considerable shift from the old system, which limited access to education and often favored the wealthy.

The Bolsheviks constructed a vast network of public schools, including elementary, secondary, and vocational schools, colleges, and universities.

They increased the number of schools and implemented educational programs based on communist ideals and aims. These programs emphasized not just academic subjects but also practical skills and the cultivation of group ideals.

4. Workers were given access to low-cost public healthcare

The Bolsheviks focused on building medical facilities and upgrading healthcare infrastructure under the new regime. They wanted to give medical care to everyone, including laborers, peasants, and the urban poor.

Public hospitals and clinics were built or nationalized, and attempts were made to expand the number of healthcare workers, such as physicians and nurses.

The emphasis on cost was a significant component of the Bolshevik healthcare system. They wanted to make healthcare services available to everyone, regardless of financial resources.

To do this, the Bolsheviks provided low-cost or free healthcare to the working class and those in need. Medical expenses were subsidized so that even those with little financial resources could receive necessary treatments and drugs.

The Soviet Union was formed in 1922 when the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the core Bolshevik-led state, merged with other socialist republics to establish the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), also known as the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union became the world’s first socialist state, with the Bolsheviks directing a centralized government and enforcing socialist principles in various sectors.[2]


The construction of a socialist society in Russia was a complicated and revolutionary process throughout the early twentieth century. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a watershed point, fueled by social and economic concerns and directed by the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks effectively ousted the temporary government, took control, and began implementing socialist programs.

The civil war that followed, as well as the founding of the Soviet Union, cemented their power and enabled the establishment of a socialist society. The foundation of a socialist state in Russia had far-reaching implications, influencing the development of socialist groups and ideas worldwide.

[1] https://www.britannica.com/topic/socialism

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union

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