Sources of Energy Class 10 notes

All the Science students will wish and interest themselves in reading about many topics related to Science. But everyone doesn’t get the right place for their uses. Here You might know about all the sources of Energy and about it in detail.

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Nowadays in this modern world Energy has become the most significant aspect for both modern livings also for the inconvenience of the humans. It is also clearly stated that the Energy we use is classified into three types commonly. They are:

  • Food that gives us Energy
  • The energy that makes a house
  • The fuel we put in our vehicles.

These are the well-known types that are indexed.

All the living creatures that God has created needed some type of Energy. Energy is the only essential element of all living things in the world. But not only living creatures even the machines and pieces of machinery needed some class of Energy in its working.

So that they can work accurately and not give any trouble. But for all these sources of Energy we need to know in detail about it.

First Everyone needs to know about the manageable and manifest definition for every topic. So the Easy explanation of the Sources of Energy is that ” A source from which the useful amount of energy can be extracted or also repossess directly or by the means of a conversion.”

The examples of the Sources of Energy are solid fuels, liquid fuels, solar energy and biomass etc.

Energy, Simply known as the principal capacity of any physical system to achieve a particular work. It is said that Energy has subsisted in several forms such as Heat energy, Kinetic Energy, Mechanical Energy, Light Energy, Potential energy, electrical energy and also still many.

It is said that the most extensive source of energy on the land is Sunlight. The energy on the sun is said that the source of energy that is found on most of the Earth. The source of energy that we obtain from sunlight is also known as Solar Energy. We will read about solar energy in the forthcoming sections.

The diverse objectives for which energy is needed such as for food, for lightning, transport, running machines etc. Commonly the Energy sources are divided into four sectors. They are:

  • Residential,
  • Commercial,
  • Transportation and
  • Industrial

These are the common energy sources that are divided into four sectors.

Energy is required for the evolution of life forms on earth. The energy is collected from many sources and also everything we use today is also taken from some kind of Energy which we might don’t know.

Every natural resource that is used by us today is the important and main source of the energy that is received from the day-to-day activities of the individuals.

It is also mentioned that Energy is an outstanding potential to do the work. Commonly the energy sources are classified into two. They are:

  • Renewable energy
  • Non-renewable energy

Renewable source of Energy:

Same as we said before the simple definition of the Renewable sources is that “It can be easily recycled or reused.

Renewable energy is generally known as clean energy, that originates from the natural sources. It is also discussed that Renewable energy can be used frequently and it has an eternal supply.

Some Example of Renewable source of Energy is Solar energy, Wind Energy, Therma Energy etc.

Non-renewable source of Energy:

The simple definition of the non-renewable source of Energy is that “It appears from sources that will move out or will not be supplied in our existences or even in many continuances.

Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas.


Energy and its sources:

Energy is the capacity to do all the task or also it is said that the total potential is derived from the natural resources. Energy can survive in any structures or also it can be obtained from one structure into another.

It is mentioned that Energy is mainly derived from natural sources such as sun, oceans, fossil fuels, wind etc and it is converted into many types of Energy that we use in day-to-day.

There are few conditions needed for the high-grade source of Energy. Like for example, It should be easily available and it should be easy to store and also it should be transported easily from one place to another.

It is assumed that Energy comes in several sorts of ways but it is always converted from only one form to another. For this, there is an easy instance you can understand it. Assume we drop a plate from a height, the potential energy of that plate is changed into sound energy before it hits the ground.

There is another instance so that still you can recognise it unquestionably. If we light a candle, the process is highly exothermic so that the chemical energy of the wax is changed into heat and also light energy while burning.

A good source of energy would be one which has high caloric value, it can be easily accessible and also be easy to store and transport and also be economical Ignition temperature and eco-friendly and less combustible.

Eg: wood as a common source of heat energy or the usage of coal after the Industrial Revolution also Fossil Fuels, Hydro Power.

Fossil Fuels:

Sources of Energy class 10
Source: Energy Institute Blog

Commonly Fossil Fuels are formed due to the compression of the deceased organic matter that has been over millions of years, that are also buried deep inside or under the Earth. Eg: Coal or Natural Gas.

It is expected that Fossil Fuels are the non-renewable source of energy because they are only limited and finding the alternatives for that would be difficult.

There are few disadvantages of Burning Fossil Fuels is because of the byproducts produced by them which causes air pollution through combustion.

It is mentioned that Burning coal and petroleum which produces harmful oxygen on Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur etc, which leads to air pollution, greenhouse effects and also acid rain.

Gases emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels are the main contributor to global warming. These are the few disadvantages of Fossil fuels.

Thermal Power plants:

Sources of Energy class 10
Source: Engie



Thermal power plants work on vapour produced by heating fossil fuels to propel the turbines to create electricity. The burning of coal heats the water and makes steam that is used to run the turbine.

Usually, Thermal power plants are located near coal or oil fields as it is easier to transmit electricity than transport coal.

Hydro Power plants:

Sources of Energy class 10
Source: Learn Mechanical

The other source of Energy is Kinetic that is from the flowing water or also harnessing the potential energy of the water falling from a height.

The dropping water moves the turbine, which with the cooperation of a dynamo transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Hydropower plants are usually built near dams or waterfalls.

The drawbacks of building dams are Submerging/loss of a species of flora/fauna and human settlements & spoiling of submerged vegetation liberation greenhouse gas.

They also feign dangers of earthquakes, landslides etc. These are the few disadvantages of Building dams.


Sources of Energy class 10
Source: quora

Biomass is the source of energy obtained from living things. For a long time, everyone in the world relied on wood for the source of heat energy.

In India, everyone makes fuel out of biowaste such as cow dung due to the availability of a growing population of cattle.

When a block of wood is burnt in an insufficient amount of oxygen and water until light materials are removed, the residue left behind is charcoal. Charcoal has satisfying heat generating efficiency. It also fires without flames.

Wind Energy:

The only source of energy that is available as an Environment-friendly source of Energy is Wind energy. The reason for the wind energy ” The Environment-friendly ” is because of the natural phenomenon caused by the pressure due to the differential heating of the land and water that masses on earth.

The Advantages of Wind Energy:

The Few advantages of Wind Energy are:

1.Eco friendly
2. Efficient source of renewable energy.
3. No recurring expenses for the production of electricity

These are the advantages of Wind Energy.

Limitations of Wind Energy:

The few limitations of Wind Energy are:

1. Wind energy farms need a large area of land
2. Difficulty in getting regular wind speed of 15-20 Km PH.
3. The initial cost of establishing wind energy farm is very high.
4. High level of maintenance of blades of the windmill.

These are the limitations of Wind Energy.

Solar Energy:

As we discussed before that the light energy and heat energy from the sun is known as Solar Energy. The scientists reported that the Sun has been shining energy from the past 5 billion years and it will continue to make the same rate for the next many Billion years.

They also report that we have to find some ways to harness the energy with the maximum efficiency but only with the fraction of Solar Energy.

Solar Energy Devices:

(i) Solar Cooker
(ii) Solar furnaces
(iii) Solar cells
(iv) Solar water heaters

We need to use the black painted surface because the black surface consumes more heat as compared to white or another surface.

Solar cookers are coated with a glass plate and have mirrors to converge the rays of the sun and reach a higher temperature.

Solar cells are a device that converts Solar energy into electricity. Develops a voltage of 0.5 – IV and can produce about 0.7 W of electricity.

Advantages of Solar Cell:

The advantages of Solar cell are:

1. Require a little maintenance

2. Have no moving part.

3. No focusing device is required

4. Can be set up in remote areas.

5. Environment – friendly i.e. do not cause pollution.

These are the advantages of Solar cell.

The disadvantage of Solar Cells:

1. It requires high cost

2. Efficiency is low

3. The initial cost of installation is quite high.

These are the disadvantages of Solar cell.

Nuclear Energy:

Nuclear energy can be used to generate electricity by means of nuclear fission.

In a nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel is used to carry out a sustained fission chain reaction to produce electricity at a controlled rate.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy:

1. A large amount of energy is released.
2. In a nuclear power plant, nuclear fuel is inserted once to get energy over a long period of time.

Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy:

1. The high cost of installation.
2. Environmental contamination may occur due to improper nuclear waste disposal.

Environmental Consequences:

The few Environmental Consequence are:

  • It is said that no source of energy is pollution-free. It’s good to use sources with less pollution.
  • Vegetation immersed below hydropower dam drives to the greenhouse effect.
  • LPG is the best choice for cooking purpose because it releases more energy per unit mass, smokeless, does not cause air pollution and ash.
  • Plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy as food by the process of photosynthesis. Animals eat plants and use that energy for all their activities.
  • Heat energy from the sun causes changing weather patterns that produce wind. That we use as wind energy.
  • Hydroelectricity is produced from moving water, and water flows because heat energy from the sun causes evaporation that keeps water moving through the water cycle.

The few Environmental consequences we experience by using the source of Energy.

How long will the energy source last:

How long will Energy source last ? is the main and Important questions for all of them. Here is the answer to how long will Energy source last.

The continuous usage of the non-renewable source of energy is of interest because the deposit of the sources will be finished e.g sun as a source of energy will be available for a very long period of time.

The solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, etc. will never get exhausted as they can be generated at the same rate at which they are being used.

When we talk about the non-renewable energy source, they are limited in quantity. They cannot be renewed easily once they are depleted. They take thousands of years to be formed.

At the present rate of consumption, these resources will get exhausted in less than a hundred years.

This how long the energy source last.

This article will be helpful to one who is studying about the Sources of Energy in class 10.

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