Virtual Reality – Uses, Advantages And Disadvantages

The world is an ever-changing whirl of technological innovations and ingenious ideas brought into reality with the efforts of those who live to create. Most of us have watched movies or at least imagined a digital world which exists to help us with every aspect of our life. If you actually look at the world, it has come far from what it used to be.

Science has branched and evolved, resulting in the tech fields thriving with the most unbelievable yet possible devices. Virtual reality is one such revolutionary piece of technological innovation. Its influence in the world is one which cannot be denied at all is becoming a trending tech.

Have you ever wanted to know what it felt like to be on the tip of the tallest skyscraper, ride an amusement park ride with no seat belt on or be a part of a game you enjoy playing? Virtual reality has brought this experience with its creation of a simulated environment that gives the visual senses the feeling of actually being in the place or in that situation which also induces a reaction from all the other senses giving us the feeling that we actually exist in that situation or space.

The VR tech is not just for entertainment but has a large scope in therapy and many other fields. The scope top, which Virtual Reality can be brought into people’s lives, is fast evolving, and soon our world will be a digital paradise.

Virtual Reality Advantages And Disadvantages

What Is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is a simulated environment created by using computer modelling or technology. Unlike the normal interfaces which give a third- of second-person point of view, the VR actually brings the user to the experience. Unlike being involved in just watching 2d characters, in VR, the user can interact with their 3d environment and be the actual part of that environment.

Using computer technology, VR can stimulate and influence not only your visual sense but also auditory, touch and even smell. It is almost like the computer is the gatekeeper to the world of digital fantasies. There are almost no limits as to the things you can achieve with VR except for the lack of content and low computing power.

These VR application devices come in the form of headsets, goggles, gloves or sometimes even bodysuits which are interactive capable of sending and receiving information. The devices are created with motion sensors that can pick up the user’s movement and actions and adjust the view accordingly.

One can even pick up and manipulate their virtual surroundings using these devices. The possibilities of the application of Virtual Reality are endless.

Virtual Reality - Uses, Advantages And Disadvantages

Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality

Even though Virtual Reality was developed decades ago, most people are not familiar with its concept. It is understandable and quite common to confuse between augmented reality and virtual reality as they are two sides of the same coin. You can imagine the Augmented reality to be the reality that has one foot in our physical reality.

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Augmented Reality is the tech that utilizes computer modelling to simulates artificial objects in the real environment which is almost like projection while virtual reality creates an artificial space where the user is introduced into as a part of that environment. In the case of augmented reality, the computer is equipped with sensors and algorithms which are utilized to determine the orientation and position of a camera.

However, when it comes to virtual reality the computer using math and sensors similar to augmented reality, doesn’t locate a real camera inside a physical environment but the position of the user’s eyes are placed in the simulated environment. Some examples of augmented reality are Snapchat lenses and games like Pokémon Go. Virtual reality shuts out the outside world and brings the user to a recreated reality.

Virtual Reality - Uses and Examples

Virtual Reality Uses And Examples

Some of the fields that have taken advantage of Virtual reality include Medicine, culture, education and architecture. From entertainment purpose like guided museum visits to the important surgical procedure like a dissection of a muscle, Virtual Reality has opened many doors for us and helped us cross boundaries that were once considered to be unimaginable.

One of the most significant fields of application for VR systems is training for real-life activities or situations. This technology is especially useful experiences like military training, and one of the most significant applications of the initial commercial simulators was pilot training during perilous times of World War II.

Pilots were trained using flight simulators which relied on motion and visual feedback to replicate the feeling or sensation of flying while being seated in an enclosed mechanical system on the ground. Virtual Reality applications have also gained great popularity in the entertainment field promoting horror games, movie shots etc.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality

Like any other technological innovation, Virtual reality also has its pros and cons.


What makes Virtual Reality so attractive is the fact that they capable of providing experiences which are somewhat close to the real one, but with better safety and lower cost.

  • Presents with realistic scenarios.
  • Applicable anywhere and anytime, which saves money and time.
  • Better recall and retention
  • Little to almost zero risks.
  • Complex situations or problems can be simplified.
  • Perfect for different learning methods.
  • Provides a safe and controlled environment.
  • Promotes and enjoyable and creative space.


  • Health and safety

Virtual reality presents with a set of health and safety challenges. Almost every virtual reality device mentions a list of consumer warnings which include trip-and-fall as well as collision warnings, seizures, repetitive stress injury, discomfort, and interference with medical devices and developmental issues in children.

  • Children and virtual reality

Many studies revealed that compared to adults, young children are more easily influenced and may respond behaviorally and cognitively in many immersive ways that are different from adults.

  • Privacy

In order to make VR useful, there is persistent tracking by all VR systems. This creates a problem that technology is vulnerable to mass surveillance.

  • Conceptual and philosophical concerns

Along with all these problems, there are the conceptual implications like there are changes as virtual reality is used more its meaning in life will change, and the difference between physical and virtual reality will narrow dangerously.

One can truly say that Virtual Reality will only keep growing and soon be an indistinguishable part of the world as it will be inculcated in our daily lives. VR has spread its wings from military training to entertainment. It is truly a revolutionary discovery in this era of tech wonders.


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