Why is educated unemployment a peculiar problem of India?

Educated unemployment a peculiar problem of India: We know that educated unemployment is quite a big problem in India. There might be certain reasons for this problem, but Indians have faced this problem of educated unemployment for several decades.

It is a unique problem that is peculiar to Indians only, and this is the major reason for the downfall of our economy and society. Also, this is the one reason our country is a developing country, not being on the list of a developed country.

This issue is complex and difficult to resolve as it continues for decades. The roots of this problem lie in the country’s education system, economic policies and social structure.

India’s Education System

India’s educational system is not that good and well-equipped. It does not provide the necessary skills and the training which the person requires to enter the corporate world. Education in India focuses on theoretical and rote learning rather than practical knowledge.

In college, teachers also ask students to learn this and that, take the classes, and not even ask the students to try that practically. And not even take the initiative to show the students how it’s done in a real-world scenario. Alao, people prepare to get into the best college, but when they enter the college world, they feel like they have wasted their money. They used to think it’s better to take boot camps rather than waste money on a college degree.

The educational system in India is outdated, and the way the teacher teaches is not at all interactive. The teaching method by which the students are taught are quite boring. Due to this, the students need more critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Because of this, only many people have the degree of bachelor’s in technology and many others but need more practical skills and the knowledge required in the corporate world. Also, in college, teachers do not focus on the students’ soft skills, so they need to learn how to sell themselves in the market and are found jobless.

This kind of situation creates a mismatch between the skills which are possessed by the job seekers and the skills which the employers require. And this leads to unemployment.

Economic Policies

As we know, India is the second country in the world regarding population. The population of India is around 1.4 billion. Still, the policies of India need to be able to produce enough job opportunities for the population, which is rapidly growing. The population is growing rapidly, and the economy needs help to keep up with the demand of jobs.

The government cannot create jobs in the public sector, and the private sector cannot absorb the growing number of job seekers. The available jobs do not provide that much salary and have low skill. This whole scenario creates a situation where there are so many job seekers and too few job opportunities available, leading to unemployment.

Social Structure

As we discussed above, people of India find that getting a degree is the most important thing than gaining practical knowledge. They feel like we can do anything we want if we have a degree. Indian society focuses on getting a degree and a good education.

But that has more practical knowledge and skill development than values academic degrees. And for that purpose, many people get a higher degree to keep up their status in society even though there is no need or they don’t want to pursue it.

This particular situation leads to so many graduates in particular fields seeking jobs, but the job opportunities are less. And the person with the practical knowledge avail that opportunities and rest remain unemployed.

Educated unemployment is a peculiar problem of India we have seen above, and the combination of factors causes this. The education system, social structure, and economic policies are some of the major reason that plays a major role in creating this problem.

To solve this issue, there should be certain changes in the education system where teacher focuses on theoretical and practical knowledge. The teacher should teach the students how to deal in the corporate world, engraving them with the necessary skills and training required to stand up in the corporate world.

Also, the government should create more job opportunities in the public and private sectors. Also, there is a need to change the mindset of the people and the stigma which is attached with the people to certain jobs.

If these problems are addressed and rectified, then only India can overcome the problem of educated unemployment and fully utilize its human resources to develop the country. And can shift India from a developing country to a developed country.

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