“Importance of education” for various domains is the debating topic that we are going to deal with today. I hope this article will be very helpful for students in writing essays on the importance of education in life and society.
Not only is this article to help the students in writing an essay on the importance of education, but it aims to create general awareness among all our readers, ranging from one age group to another. This article, like the others, is not going to be a mere writeup, but we are going to request a small thing from the readers.
Also Read Indian Education System – Good Things and Bad Things.
We would like to request our readers to read this article and comment on their views on the importance of education. It would be good if one can share a personal story that helps realise the topic. The views will of great value to all the others.
Therefore, with this, we are going to start the discussion on “Importance of education in Life and Society” in great details, both in a declarative form or statement form. We shall also have a look at the various acts introduced in India to increase the grip of the readers and students. So, let’s get started.
Importance of Education – Overview
In our childhood days, many of us, in general, were unwilling to attend classes in the respective schools at least once at some point in time. We would think it absolutely unnecessary to attend schools on a daily basis.
This thought in our minds results mostly when we see other students of our age playing and enjoying their lives at homes. Is not that a true fact guys? Well, it must be. At that age, this thought does not seem wrong, but at the age, we are at now, this thought is really wrong.
Generally, when anyone of us would be desperate enough to not attend the school, our parents would force us or advise us to go to school.
The most common reason they would suggest are – “you cannot be a good person in future”, “everyone does not get a chance to study”, “you will not be successful in future”, “your friends will get ahead, and you will be left behind”, and so on, there are many more relevant reasons.
As children, we would either follow what our parents say, or we would persist struggling for some definite amount of time. At that age, though it is not a good idea to blame, we would never really understand why our parents justify going to school or what is the importance of education.
The importance of education starts right from the day a child starts getting an education. Gradually, he or she starts learning and applying his knowledge. Then later they gain interest in a particular topic and pursue it to finally get a job.
In this process, the student may see his fellow friends or candidates suffering due to lack of education. This is when they realise the importance of education for everyone. Not only that once anyone starts earning, and they get selected on the basis of the knowledge they apply, and if not selected, they had to learn again or apply it properly.
These are a few moments in one’s lifetime when he or she realises what the importance of education in their life is and why did his or her parents did not support when they did not want to study or go to school.
In the present scenario, bring educated is directly proportional to being successful. The amount of knowledge one gains stay with them and results in success or failure, also hard work exists too, but without knowledge what use does hard work have, right?
Hopefully, the analogy was clear to all of you, and you are starting to gain interest in understanding the importance of education in life and society. Let us first see the importance of education in life, and then we shall continue with the other topics of interest.
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These are a few moments in one’s lifetime when he or she realizes what the importance of education in their life is and why did his or her parents did not support when they did not want to study or go to school. After all, there’s always a custom essay service like CustomWritings offering professional academic writing help online for students of any education level. A skilled writer is always there to help with tough topics and papers; however, it is always better to polish your skills in school to cope with the task on your own.
Importance of Education in Life
Education has a very great significance in one’s life starting from the day one steps into gathering knowledge. So there definitely is a lot of importance of education in life. Let us see how.
As we have mentioned previously also, that being successful in life is directly proportional to being educated. In our daily life, we see that many people cannot live a good life and they have to face a lot of troubles.
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In order to support their family, they only have two options. One is to secure a job on the basis of their knowledge, and the other is to work as a labour. Suppose that a person does not know anything about a particular field using which he may secure a job.
In such a case, would you think that the person would be able to take care of his family? Definitely, he can get a job by providing labour, but for how long can his body sustain? Even if he is powerful enough then also how much can he earn? Will his earning be sufficient enough?
The answer to all these questions stated above has a great amount of ambiguity. You might even say that if he is lucky enough, then he might survive or if he is hard-working enough then he may support himself and his family.
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But even then there is no surety of success in the long run. There, now, comes the importance of education. Let us say that this person had the basic knowledge, let say up to graduation in arts or simple science or some other field.
In such a case, let us say that this person was unable to get a very hi-fi job, but he does have the basic knowledge. With this advantage, he can work or teach in some small school and can increase his experience. With time it is probable that he can improve his financial situation and support his family.
Did you notice that how even having a basic education and knowledge can improve one’s life and living as a whole? That is how much important is an education in life in terms of having a good living or enough living.
Not only the importance of education is related to being successful, but it also makes you a good person in life. Let us say that there is a quarrel among some groups and you are present there. Many people are there, who think it unnecessary to step in the fight.
But you decide to use your knowledge to stop them. You go to them and make them solve their problem in a better way. Here, the knowledge is not the one we gain from books, but the knowledge is the wisdom that one needs in life. So, you see the importance of education in life.
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Being educated does not only provide us with the knowledge of a field from a book, but it also helps us in shaping our ability to survive in this cruel world. Without education, it is not even possible to survive mentally nor financially.
We hope this section helped you realise the importance of education in life. Next, let us see the importance of education in society.
Importance of Education in Society
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Now you would think that it is quite evident that education has great importance in life but what is the importance of education in society. We are going to find out soon.
Earlier we mentioned an example, in which an educated person stops the fight among two persons with his wisdom. This adds to the importance of education in society.
Nowadays, we all have observed that crimes have been increasing across the world. Not only in India but in many other developed or developing countries, crime has been increasing in amount. Have you ever studied about a case of any criminals? What happens when they are caught? Do they have any regrets? Are they even educated?
You must have these questions in your mind at least once in your life. You may even think about what made these individuals commit a crime. A most common observed reason is illiteracy and poverty with which they have to deal with in their lives.
Like we mentioned previously, if a person is not educated and does not have any means of sustaining and supporting his family, then he chooses to enter the world of crime. One most common thought is about stealing, but some even commit serious crimes which when caught ends them in jail.
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Again since they are not educated enough to secure a job for their family, as they cannot be blamed, they find it uncontrollable and end up being a criminal for their lives. But if they had known the importance of education, they, instead of giving up, would search for a new way to earn, right?
Importance of education in society is huge because it helps to reduce the crimes because it helps people realise that committing crimes will only land them in troubles and lead them into never-ending darkness.
An educated man, if he uses his knowledge properly, can lead to the betterment and improvements in the society. Ready to know how? Well, let us see.
From ancient times, that is, during the British rule in India, many reforms have been introduced in the society. We have all seen that these reforms were a reality due to the efforts of our freedom fighters because they had been educated and knew the importance of education for society.
Had they not been educated, will these reforms be introduced? Definitely not! Not only in India but across parts of various other countries, reforms carried out by the educated people helped to improve society.
Many evil practices like sati, child labour, female infanticide gradually decreased because society was getting educated. Although its also true many educated people commit a crime, that again depends on the actual education and not just the knowledge from books.
Importance of education in society not only helps to eradicate evil practices and decrease crimes in the world, but it also leads to the development of society and the development of the country as a whole.
A developed country and a developing country as well, totally depend on the capability of the youth. Therefore, getting necessary and proper education is very important for the youth in any country. This the importance of education in society plays a very important role in making a country powerful or powerless.
So, guys, this article must seem a bit interesting now? Since you all now know the importance of education in life and society, we are now ready to understand the importance of education for women.
Importance of Education for Women
Importance of education in life and society has a direct relation with the importance of education for women. Why it is so, let us find it out together under this sub-topic of the article.
It is not a surprise to anyone, that crimes are increasing a lot or in particular crimes on women are increasing the most. Almost every day you will get to hear news about some or other kind of brutal crime on any women.
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Many times these crimes get a severe setback by the people. But then what? After 2 or 3 months again, some other women is the new target. This is, to some extent, because of education lack.
In the old times, and even to this day, many families think it very illogical to provide education to their daughters. They firmly believe that what is the need to educate her when after marriage, she has to take care of the family.

This is where the problem occurs. Since women are looked down upon people, find them easy prey to commit crimes. If you think carefully many evil practices such as sati, female infanticide, child marriage, and many more were committed against women.
The women in those days could never fight for themselves because they thought this was their duty. But why? Mainly because the women in those times were uneducated and that is the sole reason that they were exploited mercilessly by society.
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With passing days, the women gradually began to realise the importance of education for themselves. In order to deal with society, in order to be independent and self-supportive women finally started to gain education as much as they can.
Like their families, it is our responsibility too to make them self sufficient by helping them realise the importance of education for themselves. In order to survive in this society and deal with everything, education is the most important tool that one has.
You see, the educated women are equally capable of achievements just like the educated men in society. With us realising the actual importance of education, no women, or even men would be unsafe, no society could be detrimental, and nothing could stop the country from development.
So, as individuals, whether we are still studying or doing jobs and earning make sure to be aware of the importance of education and its role in life. One should not only understand himself but also make people understand the need and importance of education as a whole.
With this, we have come to the end of the topic “Importance of education in life and society”. We hope this article was interesting and helpful for all our readers. Now you must write a really good essay on this topic.
Not only this you must have also realised the importance of education for yourselves. Comment out to us your views on this topic. In case you have a question, or a doubt, feel free to reach out to us. We shall try to respond to all the doubts at the earliest.
In conclusion, it would be very appropriate to say that studying or gaining knowledge is not a burden but a responsibility and a need for anyone. In this article, we have seen the importance of education in life, the importance of education in society and the importance of education for women. Keeping into account all these, be self-aware and learn as much as you can.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can life improve with education?
As we have mentioned before, being successful is directly proportional to being educated and having knowledge. Thus, if you are successful, your life has to be improves.
Has Government made any laws for education?
Yes, the Government of India has made several laws and acts for imparting education to more and more people of the country.
What role does education play in society?
In simple words, education helps in the proper and healthy development of the society. As an example, more the people are educated more improved is the thinking of the society.
What acts are introduced by the Government of India for education?
Some of the acts and policies are:
- Right to Education
- Nation Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level
- Saakshar Bharat
- Inclusive Education for the Disabled at Secondary Stage